2020 Census Made Simple Video, 2:20. Features five "chapters" of hands and visuals answering common questions.
Care Video, 0:30. Features African Americans talking about why you should care about the 2020 Census.
Every Moment Counts Video, 0:30. Features child explaining why every person in her household counts on the census.
They Also Count Video, 0:20 or 0:30. Features images of the Latinx community with voiceover explaining everyone counts, no matter your nationality, immigration status or living situation. Spanish language only.
2020 Census: What is the Census? Video, 1:52. Chalkboard animation with a voiceover talking about basics of the Census.
Shape Your Future: The 2020 Census Video, 1:21. Features shots of various American people and landscapes with a voiceover talking about how the Census impacts communities.