Sector 6 – Eastwood
The Eastwood sector of Tomorrow's Neighborhoods Today (TNT) meets at 7pm on the 4th Monday of each month in the Huntington School Cafeteria at 400 Sunnycrest Road. Their meetings are also live-streamed on their Facebook page.
If you would like to present at a TNT meeting, please fill out this FORM.
Welcome to the Village within the City!
One of Syracuse's best neighborhoods to play, work, shop, learn, and live! Eastwood's residential area boasts a majority of beautifully maintained one- and two- family homes. A robust business district along James Street features an array of diverse, locally owned shops, restaurants, and businesses including the iconic Palace Theatre. Our major schools are Huntington Elementary School, Henninger High School, and Blessed Sacrament Elementary. The area features meticulously maintained parks including the Greenway Veterans' Memorial, Eastwood Heights Park, and Sunnycrest; home of the Frank Salanger Sports Complex, 9-hole golf course, and groomed cross country ski trails.