Neighborhood and Business Development Office: Fifth Annual Action Plan for the City of Syracuse
Please click here to find the Fifth Annual Action Plan for the City of Syracuse and funding recommendations for HUD’s 45th Program Year (May 1, 2019 – April 30, 2020). This Plan contains recommendations for funding programs and services that were vetted through our volunteer Risk Analysis Committee in conjunction with Neighborhood and Business Development (NBD) staff.
We hope you find the information within the Plan document helpful in understanding the housing and community development needs faced by our city. Today marks the beginning of a 30-day public comment period in which this Department seeks input on the Plan from any and all interested stakeholders. Two open, public forums will be held for which you are invited to discuss the contents of the Plan. Please contact our office if you require any special accommodations to make your participation possible.
§ NBD will be holding a Public Hearing on Wednesday, February 20th at 5:00PM in the Common Council Chambers in City Hall, 233 East Washington Street, Syracuse, 13202
§ The Common Council Public Meeting is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, March 6, 2018 at 5:00PM, also in the Council Chambers
Written comments can be mailed to the address below and/or emailed to Please share this information to any interested stakeholders.
Thank you for your interest in this process and for your continued commitment to strengthening neighborhoods and families in our community.