JSCB October Special Meeting
SYRACUSE, N.Y. – The Joint Schools Construction Board (JSCB) will hold a meeting on Thursday, Oct. 10 at 9 a.m. in the Common Council Chambers, located on the third floor of Syracuse City Hall, 233 E. Washington Street. The purpose of the special meeting will be to consider the adoption of the JSCB Phase II Revised Financial Plan.
The City of Syracuse Common Council will hold nine information meetings regarding redistricting plans to be voted upon on Election Day 2019. Please join us on Wednesday, October 2nd at 7pm at Morris Construction 301 E.Hiawatha Blvd for a meeting hosted by Common Council President Helen Hudson in regards to the upcoming redistricting in the next couple of years.
Visit HERE for more additional meeting information.
Seneca Turnpike - Onondaga Creek Access Project
In case you missed the public meeting last week for the Seneca Turnpike - Onondaga Creek Access Project, Here is the presentation for your review. City Planning Division will provide additional updates on the progress the design documents are completed and prepare for the start of construction next Spring.
Please join the City’s Planning Division next Wednesday evening for a Public Meeting for the Seneca Turnpike - Onondaga Creek Access Project. We will present the final design concept for a public amenity that will improve connections to Onondaga Creek in Meachem Park. The meeting will be Wednesday, September 25th at 7 p.m. in the Cecile Community Center, located at 174 West Seneca Turnpike.
This workshop will present the final design concept and project details that have been developed by the project team. The project has been refined based on input residents and business owners provided during previous public meetings in August 2018 and January 2019, and coordination with various permitting agencies. All residents, business owners, property owners, and outdoor recreation enthusiasts are invited to participate in the discussion.
The City of Syracuse was awarded a Local Waterfront Revitalization Program grant from the New York State Department of State to conduct this work, which seeks to implement the recommendations of the 2013 Revitalization Strategy for Onondaga Creek.
City Payment Office
City Hall Room 116 – 122 now takes payments for Parking Tickets & Boots, as well as Property Taxes, Water Bills, BAA fees, and Sidewalk Contracts.
The Parking Violations team from City Hall Commons have moved into what used to be room 116 in City Hall. Parking Violations Hearings will still take place in this office, which is now Room 113.
Neighborhood and Business Development (NBD) City of Syracuse Survey
Every five years our department submits a Consolidated Plan to HUD. “The Consolidated Plan is designed to help states and local jurisdictions to assess their affordable housing and community development needs and market conditions, and to make data-driven, place-based investment decisions” (more info can be found here: ). Our department would like to get the public’s input regarding city-wide housing and neighborhood conditions in order to better inform the plan. Below are the links for two surveys; one is for residents of the city to complete and the other is for service providers who work in the city. This survey will help us understand how best to direct funding to address the most pressing needs of neighborhoods and we therefore appreciate any feedback!
Resident Survey:
Service Provider Survey:
The deadline for survey submission is August 9th.