Donate/Volunteer: How You Can Help in CNY Covid-19
COVID-19 has posed many challenges for the world, the country, and our community. With people working from home, or not being able to work at all, our neighbors are facing obstacles that they could not have expected. Here is how you can help:
United Way of Central New York is working in partnership with The Central New York Community Foundation, the City of Syracuse, Onondaga County, and the Allyn Foundation to create a COVID-19 Community Support Fund.
The fund is designed to rapidly deploy flexible resources in the form of one-time operating grants on a rolling basis to nonprofits whose operations support vulnerable populations stressed by the outbreak. The Community Foundation will seed the fund with a contribution from its own funds and encourages individuals, institutions, companies and other funders to donate as well.
Working together, the partners will identify potential grant recipients, solicit guidance on immediate needs from community advisors and recommend final awards. Funds will be released on a rolling basis as fundraising continues throughout the outbreak and recovery phases of the crisis, making it possible to move resources quickly and adapt to evolving needs.
Donations may be made online at or by contacting Thomas Griffith, vice president, development at (315) 422-9538 or
Donating your time is just as important for the community, as we work to get through this challenging time together. United Way of Central New York is currently registering volunteers and coordinating opportunities in Onondaga County through VolunteerCNY (a United Way of Central New York Initiative).
Visit to learn more.
Tuesday March 3rd at the regular scheduled monthly of the Washington Square TNT Task Force meeting at Westminister Presbyterian Church will be hosting the city Planner Owen Kerney who is Assistant Director City Planning Division and Neil Milcarek-Burke who will be making a presentation about mobility on the Northwest side if Syracuse. This will cover a range of topics including. Sidewalks on Court Street and Bear Street to the inner-harbor (Including the new viewing area) with signage. Connect us to the lake - Bike Path, and Sidewalks to the Lakeshore Parkway (Closing the parkway on Weekends). Sidewalks to the ball park and potential new sports complex. To this end we have had a presentation from SMTC on Regional Market Study and Hiawatha Blvd. Remarks on Future Plans by Mark Nicotra Executive Communications Director, Office of Onondaga County Executive. The save the rain Project has been in contact with us about some of the issues. The sidewalk requirements from Washington Square Park on Park Street to Hiawatha Blvd? Is there or could there be a master plan for the Northwest area of Syracuse.
Webster Pond 'Community Give Back' events
Each year, Webster Pond hosts three community give back events. 100 people, including adults, family and staff from the VA Hospital will be joining for the Annual Veterans Fishing Day at Webster Pond. They will fish at the pond and enjoy a nice cookout at the end. In addition Webster Pond will have another day for Aurora for the blind, MDA with approximately 50 people in attendance for at each event.
Any support of volunteers would be greatly appreciated.
The 2020 event dates are as follows and volunteers welcome:
Veterans June 4th 11-3PM
Aurora July 15th 3-6PM
MDA August 5th 3-6PM