What if I need some help filling out the proposal form? Don’t worry! Your sector Facilitators or TNT Operations Manager will help answer your questions or provide additional guidance as to how to fill out the proposal form.
Who is responsible for completing a project proposal? Sectors will be responsible for completing projects. The TNT Operations Manager can give advice and guidance.
If there is a change in my proposal from what was originally voted upon, does it need to come back to the group for a re-vote? If there is a change in your project from what was originally submitted on the proposal form and voted upon, you will need to bring this up at your next TNT meeting for discussion to determine if a re-vote is needed before funding is disbursed.
If the project is unable to be completed after funding is disbursed, all project funds must be returned to TNT.
How are payments made for a project? Payments should not be made to individuals, but rather directly to companies or organizations.
Payments will be made for the following:
Quotes for items to be received.
Events planned with a budget.
A 1099 must be filed for individuals receiving payment for a custom made object over the amount of $600.
**Receipts must be submitted and received by the TNT Operations Manager by June 30th of the fiscal year.**
Can I submit a project proposal for an event? Yes. An additional Event Requirement Form must be completed. Contact your sector Facilitators or the TNT Operations Manager for more information.
If I don’t use the email can I still propose a project? Yes, just list a phone number to contact you at and mail in your project proposal form to the TNT office or bring a copy with you to the next TNT meeting.
Can I submit multiple proposals in one fiscal year? Yes. However, most TNT groups will want to spread the money out to different groups and areas of the sector so it is only advised if your area has few projects to consider.
If I haven’t completed my project from last fiscal year, can I still submit a project proposal? No.
When does my project have to be encumbered? All financial transactions must be encumbered by June 30th of the fiscal year. Custom made objects will have until September 30th to complete the project, unless there are extenuating circumstances. (Discuss with your Facilitators and the TNT Operations Manager)
What happens if I do not submit the required documentation of the completion of my project by the deadline? Failure to submit required documentation of project completion will exclude you from receiving future funding.