Session #1 Notes
TNT Strategic Planning Meeting
Session #1 Notes
March 30th 2017
1.) Welcome:
a. Sheena Solomon and Heidi Holtz welcomed everyone and thanked them for coming. Ms. Solomon facilitated an ice breaker focused on introductions, it allowed each person to introduce who are, what sector they were from and to share a positive memory about their neighborhood or the city of Syracuse.
2.) Activity:
a. Ms. Holtz informed the group that the goal of today was to address 4 questions. In an effort to get everyone’s input, the questions were posted on the wall around the room. Each person received post-it notes to write down their response and post them under the questions. The questions were:
i. How can TNT be an asset to the community?
ii. What does TNT look like at its best?
iii. What does TNT look like now?
iv. What could TNT look like in 3 years?
3.) Action:
a. Once everyone had an opportunity to post their answers to each question the groups were split into 4 groups to analysis the answers
4.) Report Out Common themes:
a. Structure – what are the roles and responsibilities of the board and facilitators and TNT staff…..there is a need for clarity
i. Continue to have relationship with the city, but different type of relationship
ii. Re-examine ordinance & map
iii. Each sector keep task forces, committees..etc.
iv. MOU (Memorandum of Understanding)
b. Cohesive communication strategies:
i. Who do you call when you need something….etc.
c. Funding – fundraising plan
d. Transition from being tied to the city to being on your own:
i. Self-determining
ii. Flexibility
e. Focus on common issues:
i. Quality of life
ii. The value of Forum, Bridge, Action
iii. Matching priorities across sectors
f. Advocacy